WARNING ISI_load_images Static Component / Couldn't connect to psychopy.org

After installing 2022.1.1 I’ll get this errors in the Runner:

13.4503 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
13.4503 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
13.4504 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
13.4504 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
13.4504 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
13.5487 DEBUG PavloviaLoggedIn
16.6581 WARNING Couldn’t connect to psychopy.org
Check internet settings (and proxy setting in PsychoPy Preferences.

Hi LenzLois,

Since upgrading to v2022.1.1, I also get the same warning messages in the Runner when I open Psychopy. I haven’t been able to fix this issue yet. I am keen to hear if you find a solution to this!


I am also facing the same errors and I am looking forward eagerly to resolve this issue, as it is making my work with PsychoPy, really slow.

Problem persists also with Version 2022.1.2:

129.3776 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
129.3777 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
129.3777 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
129.3777 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
129.3778 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
130.5797 DEBUG PavloviaLoggedIn
151.0662 WARNING Couldn’t connect to psychopy.org
Check internet settings (and proxy setting in PsychoPy Preferences.