Trying to create a sodoku task using Psychopy/JS

Yes! So, the x axis left boundary and right boundary of the sixth column in the sodoku grid are 1 and 3, respectively. However, the actual x axis mouse position that is registered when I click on the cell (i.e., between the left and right boundary of this sixth column) will register as 9. Ideally, the mouse position should be somewhere between 1 and 3.

In a similar vein, the x coordinate of the left edge of the entire sodoku grid is -10. However, when I click on that ‘edge’, the x axis position of the reported mouse coordinate is -40.

I am wondering if this is related to the issues with mouse coordinates and Mac retina screens reported around 2022, but I have recently updated to the 2024 Psychopy version and I still run into the same issue.