Sound files, counterbalance


My experiment involves participants hearing a foreign word then presented with 2 english translations either correct, opposite or random in each block. I don’t quite understand how I should counterbalance the words to ensure the correct sound is played alongside the word. Also, how to save the reaction time into an excel spreadsheet for each block?

Any help will be very much appreciated!

Hi Aisha,

we need a more precise description:

Are there 2 or 3 or one option presented? What does “random” mean, compared to “correct” or “opposite”?

What is a “block” here? i.e. do all trials in a block share something in common, like all being “correct” translations?

Are words presented just once, or multiple times?

Hi Michael,

Sorry I should have been more clearer.
Match = English translation on the screen correctly matches the foreign sound participant will hear e.g. hear the word ‘Bright’ in a foreign language and will see the correct English translation of the word on the screen.
Opposite = English translation is the opposite to the sound they hear e.g. hear the word ‘Bright’ in a foreign language but the English word on the screen is 'Dark’
Random = English translation on the screen is unrelated to the sound they hear e.g. hear the word ‘throw’ and the word displayed on the screen is ‘sun’

In each Block there are 3 learning phases and 3 test phases. One block will consist of ; one learning phase for the ‘match’ condition followed by the test phase, one learning phase for the ‘opposite’ condition followed by the test phase, one learning phase for the ‘random’ condition followed by the test phase.

Learning phase = one word will be presented on the screen and participant will hear one sound (Phase will consist of 10 different sounds, 10 different words)
Test Phase - will see 2 words and will hear one sound . Participants will have to decide which word correctly matches the sound they hear by pressing a key (Phase will consist of 20 words, 10 sounds).

Sorry , it can be a little confusing to get your head around . Please let me know if anything is unclear.
