Sliders are not working online

I’ve had some problems with my experiments, the sliders are not working online. I’ve created a new project just to “play” and try to figure it out what’s happening.

This is the error that I get: Error: WebGL unsupported in this browser, use “pixi.js-legacy” for fallback canvas2d support.

And this is what it shows the console


I’d appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance,

slider_test.psyexp (7.6 KB)

Hi @AlanFC, looks like the browser you are using to preview your project has WebGL disabled. To confirm, do you see the spinning cube when visiting Adding fallback Canvas2D rendering is on my task list for the days ahead, but most modern browsers should have no issues with WebGL. Thanks, s.

Hi @sotiri, thanks for your guidance. I visit the website and apparently WebGL is fine on my browser, I get this message: Your browser supports WebGL, also I can see the spinning cube.

I’m waiting for feedback to see if my coworkers can run it succesfully, but for now I can’t test anything.


OK that is really helpful, sounds like a bug on our end, on it, thanks

Hi @AlanFC, OK as it happens naming slider labels using raw numbers is causing an internal PsychoJS text metrics call to trip. As shown on the .psyexp below, wrap label markings in quotes and you should be good to go, x

slider_test.psyexp (7.6 KB)

Thank @sotiri! This solve my problem.
