yes, sure, I am available. if it’s a safari issue though, why would people using chrome also have trouble with it (but they are using Mac)?
Fantastic! Sorry, yes older browsers in general, Chrome included, one moment please, x
OK how about this?
YES, it did work!!! I ran into the input matchAll thing in the main trials because my safari was 12, and too old according to the link that you sent before, but that we already know. May I ask what did to change? I should add, the other Mac users that I mentioned above used chrome 86, so very new actually.
I asked PsychoJS to listen for mousedown, mouseup, and mousemove events instead of pointerdown, pointerup, and pointermove respectively. I tried Chrome 86 on macOS latest (my main machine) and was unable to reproduce the problem. It could very well be something different? I will now be taking down that fork and prepare a merge request for you to include the relevant patch in your project, because I doubt we can have Pavlovia’s PsychoJS updated before reviewing these changes and that could be a while, is that OK? x
Yes, that would be great. I can’t reproduce using chrome on my machine either. I will try to contact those that had the issue on Prolific to try the updated version, but they haven’t been responding to my earlier messages. Anyways, I will report back if I have any updates. Thanks so much again!!!
@YT_HAN OK merge requests issued. Please let me know if you come across any more issues, thanks, x
Hi @sotiri again, I just ran the story set1 for about 600 participants and there were some issues that I hope you can help me with.
1, about 10% of the people encountered ‘Unspecified JavaScript error’ using chrome (quite new versions). A few can make it work by enabling hardware acceleration option (I discovered this on my own Mac, why is that?), but many can’t. And since the option is on by default on chrome, the task must have failed for some other reason, any idea on why? I instructed a few to switch to firefox to finish, which did the trick.
2, for firefox users, there were also problems where people have been given the following message:
"Unfortunately we encountered the following error: Error: WebGL unsupported in this browser, use “pixi.js-legacy” for fallback canvas2d support., and again some switched to chrome for it to work.
3, and then for a small portion using Edge, they described it as stuck at initializing…
I can’t reproduce the errors on my own machine, but my sense is that it’s about browser compatibility.
Hi @YT_HAN, thanks for flagging. Ten percent is rather high I understand. We are currently developing end to end tests that should hopefully take us one step further to catching those types of errors ahead of time.
WebGL support is currently a requirement, but it could be that adding pixi.js-legacy fallback support might not hurt. Let me raise that with the rest of the team.
The Firefox users experiencing problems, were they on Linux maybe?
For Chrome it seems that to make WebGL work, hardware acceleration is also required. You can check by visiting chrome://gpu I believe.
Was it Edge on the Mac or Windows stuck on initialising? Would you mind sharing the final project url for us to try and reproduce?
Cheers, x
hi @sotiri,
1, according to the link, firefox 83 which subjects used supports webgl.
2, firefox users used windows, ubuntu, and linux.
3, yes, I understand hardware acceleration seems to be required. but when even enabling it, people have the unspecified Javascript error.
4, both edge users that report to me were using windows.
It’s the same story project that I shared before, the one that you applied fix to. I just copied one to use for data collection.
Hi @YT_HAN, alright thanks, that helps a lot, s.
hi @sotiri, just checking to see if there’re any updates on the browser related issues. I realize that it might not get fixed soon, but I would like to understand more about the issue so that I would be able to tell my subjects why it doesn’t work and if it can’t get fixed, they understand that they are excluded purely on a clear technical issue (This is important because we recruit from a specific list of subjects that we need to offer explanation to maintain a good relationship).
Also wondering if there’re any updates on memory leak issues (last time you suggested some post PIXI upgrade tweaks but I haven’t tested if that helps), I plan to do a final test on video task before main data collection.
Hi @sotiri, thanks for tagging me in the other two posts.
1, for the inputmatchall issue, to test it, I need to change the import statement from importing custom lib to just regular libs, right? I did that, but because mouse events are not detected correctly on the old safari(sth you tweaked in custom lib), I was not able to proceed to get to the part where I can actually see if that does the trick. but based on responses from others, I assume that would work. This wasn’t a big issue for me anyways as I require subjects to update their browsers, my question is whether there’s been any progress that has hit production that would make the browser compatibility better in the regard of throwing the errors that I mentioned above (unspecified java and webgl).
2, I don’t think I’ve experienced the movie blackbox issue, but perhaps my test sample was small, so is the tweaks already in the custom lib that you helped with me before, if so, I’d rather keep things unchanged. But again, let me know if it includes extra things that would make the task better.
Hi @YT_HAN, sorry I just tagged you in to keep you informed while I work on updating you in full, which should be in the morning, thanks again for your patience, s.
Hi @YT_HAN, just to update you on my progress, I intend to implement PixiJS legacy support in the coming days and am hoping that should take care of the Firefox/WebGL issue.
The Chrome and Edge/Windows errors could be anything. It could very well be the problem is custom code added on top of PsychoJS or the boilerplate for example. Would it be possible to try the same study without code components to make sure?
Thanks again for your help tracking down these bugs, s.
Hi @sotiri, thanks for you reply.
1, firefox /webgl sounds good, let me know when it’s implemented.
2, the Unspecified JavaScript thing in chrome is puzzling for me. I don’t think it’s the custom code because if so, why would so many people finish without problem? I can’t reproduce the issue on my own machines normally, only when I disable hardware acceleration. Please se the error messages from the console.
@YT_HAN OK I hear you, on it, thanks, x
Hi @sotiri, just to follow up, I ran another set this week. Same rating story task, with a different set of stories. And there are some issues:
1, the same unspecified JavaScript Error in chrome, what’s strange is that one subject had this issue this time but not last time he did the task, and he said the computer/browser was exactly the same.
2, I have several people telling me that button click became unresponsive at various stages of the task. One reason for this is if they exit full screen, which I can replicate on my own computer.
3, Some people report to me that the task froze, usually towards the end (average duration for the task is 20-30 mins). And when looking at their data, there are multiple trials with empty responses. Has there been any progress on memory leak? I am about to collect data for videos which take more memory than stories, so would like to know about this. I have already set logging to only ‘error’.
Dear @YT_HAN, I believe all three errors relate to how the latest version of PixiJS is WebGL only. I have added a PR to hopefully have that addressed in the next release of PsychoPy. For the time being I have created a merge request to bring the relevant edit into your project. Please let me know if there are any issues remaining, thank you, s.
As mentioned in this thread, please add the following line at the top of your main script to disable browser side logging,