This should do the trick (online and offline):
if slider.getRT() and key_resp.keys == 'space':
continueRoutine = False
If you are just offline, this works to:
if slider.getRT() != None and key_resp.keys == 'space':
continueRoutine = False
More detailed information:
Slider-PythonJS is returning “undefined” online not “null” for getRT/getRating
Resulting in slider.getRT() != None ( without quotation marks) converting to (slider.getRT() !== null) in Javascript.
The Problem with “!==” is, no Type Conversion is peformed:
null === undefined // false
null == undefined // true
This means “undefined” is returned but comparison with “null” (“None” conversion from Python to JavaScript) is false.
I think returning undefined is fine in JavaScript. Comparison with “None” in Python should just be avoided, to make the auto-conversion work reliable.