Randomization across lists in a priming experiment

I’m trying but there seems to be an issue with saving the output csv if pushing ‘esc’. I found this topic in the forum, but I still don’t understand how to fix it.

UPDATE: alright, everything is fixed now thanks a new update has been released, which I didn’t know about.

I have a follow-up question. I have two versions of my experiment - say, list1.csv and list2.csv - and I want them to be counterbalanced across subjects. For example, subject 1 will have list 1, subject 2 will have list 2, subject three will have list 1 again, and so forth.

The flow of the experiment now looks like this:

Inspired by this post, I can add a field list to the initial dialog box, and tell loop to look up for the list corresponding to the value in list:


Correct? My question now is - can I do something a bit more advanced? Namely, I can tell PsychoPy to look at the participant number (which will be sequential) and select the appropriate list by matching each of the two lists to a specific condition, i.e I can imagine that participants with an odd number may take list1.csv and participants with an even number may take list2.csv. Do you think it is something doable? If so, can you give me some hints of how to accomplish this?
