Problems converting manually set sliders to psychoJS

I’m trying to solve this problem, but haven’t been successful with your solution yet. I am trying to pull in a variable from my conditions file that refreshes the slider labels for each trial. The slider variable will have something like “yes, no” in the csv.

It works on psychopy, not on pavlovia. I essentially want to do this solution How to link loop parameter to slider without 'syntax error' - #2 by dvbridges in pavlovia.

If I just use the JS code you wrote in the right side of a code component, changing only the slider & conditions file names, I get the error that “ is not a function”.

Coder component:

I have also tried this (attempt at switching around “.join” arguments into what I think is javascript format), and get the same error:

I’m on python 2020.1.3, windows10, firefox.

Is that the entirety of the js code needed to adjust the slider, or did you need to make a list of the current demolabels in the code component to pull from?