Problems converting manually set sliders to psychoJS

Awong, thank you so much for your prompt reply! I have been trying to figure out how to get a questionnaire on pavlovia that has more functionality, and this works (Psychopy 2020.1.1 as of now)! Fantastic.

If other folks need it, this is the whole JS code together with spacing etc. that can be used to alter your slider on pavlovia, with functionality to pull in question-specific ticks and labels from your Conditions file:

demolabels = qLabs.split(",");
demoticks = qTiks.split(",");
demoticks = function () {
   var _pj_a = [], _pj_b = demoticks;
   for (var _pj_c = 0, _pj_d = _pj_b.length; (_pj_c < _pj_d); _pj_c += 1) {
      var i = _pj_b[_pj_c];
   return _pj_a;

slider.size = [1.0, 0.1];
slider.labels = demolabels;
slider.ticks = demoticks;
slider._needVertexUpdate = true;

Where “slider” is the name of your slider, “qLabs” is the name of your labels & “qTiks” is the name of your ticks in Conditions file.

I’ll also not that the two vars from your Conditions file need to be separated with both comma & space like below-- I initially only had comma and the “.split” fx didn’t enjoy that.
