Organised Randomization of 4 photos

Hello. It sounds like you want something like in this post:

i.e. are you wanting the participant to just click on one of the four images to indicate the answer? In this case, yes, you could use the arrangement as discussed, with four columns to specify the image names for the four quadrants, a fifth column which repeats one of the image names (the correct choice), and another column containing the question text. The you want to insert a code component in Builder and put something like this in the Each frame tab:

# cycle through the stimulus components by name:
# (i.e. replace with the actual names of your 4 image stimulus components 
# in the Builder timeline view):
for stimulus in [ image_TL, image_TR, image_BL, image_BR]:

    # check if the mouse is pressed within the current one:
    if mouse.isPressedIn(stimulus):

        # Yes, so store the reaction time in the data:
        thisExp.addData('RT', t)

        # get the filename for this stimulus (originally came from one of 
        # your four columns):
        image_chosen = stimulus.image 
        thisExp.addData('choice', image_chosen)

        # check if the stimulus' image filename matches the correct answer:
        if image_chosen == correct_choice: # use your actual fifth column name
             thisExp.addData('correct', 'True')
             thisExp.addData('correct', 'False')

        # end the trial once done here:
        continueRoutine = False

        # stop any further checking:

You could also do other things here, like play different tones to give correct/incorrect feedback, highlight the clicked image, etc.