Moving back and forth between routines

Hi Jan,
I’m uploading a simplified version so you can see what I mean.
Basically, I created another loop with routines just for the text, exactly like the demo you sent me for the images.
Like I said, what I’m trying to do is to counterbalance the order image/text are presented to participants. I read from the forum many people saying I should keep everything in one block, but I have different instructions and questions for image and text. Furthermore, in the text condition I’m trying to add another variable(Text2). That is, the sentences that would be used in the text conditions would vary according to participants. Participant 1 would get text and participant 2 would get Text2, for instance. I created a topic for this part here, but I’m still trying to fix it.
I know it is a lot, but I would appreciate any insight on this because I’m really lost on how to do it.
repeatexp.psyexp (32.1 KB) images.xlsx (8.5 KB) questions.xlsx (8.5 KB) questions2.xlsx (8.5 KB) text.xlsx (8.4 KB) Text2.xlsx (8.4 KB)