Issues of open the experiment folder in Psychopy

When I was trying to open experiment folder in Psychopy. The following errors showed up:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 302, in OnBrowse
File “/Applications/”, line 668, in gotoDir
File “/Applications/”, line 633, in updateFileBrowser
AttributeError: ‘AuiFloatingFrame’ object has no attribute ‘filename’

Could I know what the problem is and how to fix it?
Thank you

Does AuiFloatingFrame appear as a variables in your script?

No, it’s not. Thank you for your reply!

Are you using wxPython?

(I’m not even sure what wxPython is)

No, Neither did I. The script works perfectly well in Psychopy on other PCs, but only crashed on this one.

What operating system?

It is MacOS system.