In the competition task, the reaction times of two participants in each trail are compared

@Wenrui , you can use the following in the “End Routine” tab, where your keyboard component is called “key_resp”, and the keyboard is set to record “all keys”:

def getRT(kb, player):
    # Get first response or return false for no resp
    idx = 0
    for key in kb.keys:
        if key == player:
            return kb.rt[idx]
        idx += 1
    return False
def getDiff(p1, p2):
    # draw
    if abs(p1 - p2) < .050:
        return 0
    # p1 win
    elif (p2 - p1) > .050:
        return 1
    # p2 win
    elif (p1 - p2) > .050:
        return 2

# Get first response from each player
p1RT = getRT(key_resp, 'z')
p2RT = getRT(key_resp, 'm')
# If both responded
if p1RT and p2RT:
    result = getDiff(p1RT, p2RT)
    thisExp.addData("result", result)
    thisExp.addData("p1RT", p1RT)
    thisExp.addData("p2RT", p2RT)
# no responses from p1 or p2
elif not p1RT and not p2RT:
    thisExp.addData("result", 0)
# p2 no response - p1 wins
elif p1RT:
    thisExp.addData("result", 1)
    thisExp.addData("p1RT", p1RT)
# p1 no response - p2 wins
elif p2RT:
    thisExp.addData("result", 2)
    thisExp.addData("p2RT", p2RT)

You can put those functions in the Begin Experiment tab.