How do I use a Mouse response in a Conditional task.?

Yes, you need to use your actual stimulus and variable names, so try this:

if mouse_resp.clicked_name[0] == req_response:
  • $ is not needed anywhere in this code, as anything in a code component is Python code. i.e. the $ symbol is not a valid Python expression itself, rather it is just a prefix used as a hint to Builder to treat what follows as Python rather than a literal value. That is only necessary in some Builder fields (e.g. in a text field, it isn’t clear other one wants to display some literal text or use a Python expression, so the $ makes clear what is wanted).
  • clicked_name is a property of a Builder mouse object, which stores a list of what it was used to click (and we just want the first entry (i.e. [0]) in that list. You need to use this exact name to access this property. (i.e. not clicked_mouse_resp as you suggested above).
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