Help with: reference error: shuffle is not defined

Is it best to upload the files via github?

I always use the sync button in Builder.

So you just sync straight from builder and don’t have to worry about doing anything with gitlab or github?

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 1.02.46 pm


I moved all my other psychopy files that were in other folders to the trash just in case they were interfering, but whenever I try syncing I just get the wheel of death after I go through the steps of creating a project on pavlovia. Is it normal for it take some time to push the files to pavlovia?

I moved the files to a USB and it seems to be actually online now: Sustained attention to response task [PsychoPy]
but I am getting this traceback error when I run it on my computer: Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 8.09.48 pm
I’m not sure if it has anything to do with my excel sheet:

Where does the list times come from?

Try print('Preshuffle',times) and you’ll probably discover it isn’t a list.

Hmm it’s still not working online, I’m getting this error:Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 9.25.16 pm

This is what my settings look like:

That’s an error which should be fixed either by using the latest version or by defining thisExp in code_JS as per either of my crib sheets.

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Yes I think it’s finally working!! Thank you so much :slight_smile: I just have to edit my settings so that the font size for my instructions are stimuli are right

Sorry to bother you again @wakecarter , but my experiment stops responding at around trial number 501 (out of 900), do you have any idea why it would be doing that?

There are 500 elements in your times list.

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That makes sense! Thank you so much for all your help, it looks like it’s running normally now