Thank you! I modified the snippet like so:
if practice_mouse.isPressedIn(practice_poly) and mouse_has_been_released:
mouse_has_been_released = False
elif not (practice_mouse.getPressed()[0]==1 or mouse_has_been_released):
mouse_has_been_released = True
# You have to manually disable/comment out the AutoDraw
# code in the generated script, these are the lines:
# practice_context.setAutoDraw(True)
# practice_context.setAutoDraw(False)
for pos in cross_pos_ls:
cross.pos = pos
Like it says in the comments, the AutoDraw code lines generated by PsychoPy Builder have to be disabled manually. The reason is that everything that’s set to AutoDraw is drawn at the very end, so the picture would end up blocking the view of all the crosses. It’s kind of a dirty way to solve this problem though, maybe I’ll try rewriting the code in due time using something like what you mentioned in this thread Order of autodraw stimuli
As far as I can tell, the crosses don’t seem to be having as much of an effect on CPU usage as before now that only one instance is used, like you suggested might be the case.