Display Image Later Based on Previous Choices

I have added in

for p in placeholdl:
   while len(placeholdl) < len(imgL):

Which has finally got the images to show on the choice block. However, I think it’s loading every single image on top of each other, which causes a huge spike in lag, but then only shows 1 image pair. Responding also causes lag, which after waiting out, shows the same image pair, so I am guessing that it is loading all of the images at once, rather than as a loop would. My loop is set to a really high number, and I was going to escape it using code once I have this issues fixed.

I have 2 smaller issues to sort as well, should I add them here or create their own topics?

The first is that auto-JS isn’t translating the for loops.

The second is that the second rating scale isn’t saving any responses past the first, but is also not listing the images they responded to.