I am trying to run an experiment online and I get:
“ReferenceError: determineCurrentRule is not defined”
I am having difficulty converting the following functions (written in python) to javaScript. I am fairly familiar with python, but I have not used javaScript extensively so I can’t readily identify what the issues are. Can anyone help me identify the problems?
def isOutOfBounds(currentRule, currentTarget, phaseParameters, targetBounds):
## takes as input:
## currentRule: list where each element is a step
## currentTarget: the target number at the start of the sequence
## phaseTrialLimit: how many trials will the sequence run for
## bounds: a dict containing upper and lower bounds that target shouldn't exceed
## returns 1 if the rule pushes the currentStim out of bounds
## returns 0 otherwise
out = 0
## if it's a non rule phase, just check one ahead
if phaseParameters['phaseId'] == 'nonRulePhase':
currentTarget += currentRule[0]
if (currentTarget > targetBounds['upperTargetBound'] or currentTarget < targetBounds['lowerTargetBound']):
out = 1
## if it's a rule phase, need to make sure adding the increment will work for the whole sequence
## for each trial where the rule will be applied
for trial in range(phaseParameters['phaseTrialLimit']):
## for each step in the rule
for step in currentRule:
## add the step to the current stimulus
currentTarget += step
## check whether it's out of bounds
if (currentTarget > targetBounds['upperTargetBound'] or currentTarget < targetBounds['lowerTargetBound']):
out = 1
def updatePhaseParameters(phaseParameters):
## takes as input phaseParameters dict where:
## {'phaseTrialCount': number of trials phase will last for,
## 'phaseId': 'rulePhase' or 'nonRulePhase'}
## returns the inverse of the input
## eg, if given rule phase, returns non rule phase
## Update phase id
phaseId = 'rulePhase' if phaseParameters['phaseId'] == 'nonRulePhase' else 'nonRulePhase'
## Determine trial limit by randomly drawing an integer within the range of the phase boundaries
lowerLimit = phaseBounds[phaseId][0]
upperLimit = phaseBounds[phaseId][1]
phaseTrialLimit = Math.random(lowerLimit, upperLimit)
phaseParameters = {'phaseId': phaseId, 'phaseTrialLimit': phaseTrialLimit}
def determineCurrentRule(phaseParameters, currentTarget, conditionContainer, targetBounds):
## takes as input phase information, the current target, all conditions, and target boundaries
## randomly iterates through the rules until it finds one that stays in bounds
## make a list of condition indices
availableIndices = list(range(len(conditionContainer)))
out = 1
while out:
## randomly sample from conditions
## the line below is the one that will fail if all conditions are exhausted
chosenIndex = availableIndices[Math.random(0, len(availableIndices))]
## if a condition is successfully drawn, drop it from the available indices list
## update the current rule
currentRule = conditionContainer[chosenIndex]
## call isOutOfBounds() to test whether the rule will be valid for the phase
## if yes, terminate the while loop and return the current rule
## if not, repeat loop to draw another rule and test it against the phase
out = isOutOfBounds(currentRule['steps'], currentTarget, phaseParameters, targetBounds)
## if all conditions are exhausted
## regenerate the target stimulus to be close to the median of possible targets
currentTarget = Math.random(currentTarget - 2, currentTarget + 2)
## refresh available indicies so all rules can be sampled again
availableIndices = list(range(len(conditionContainer)))
return([currentRule, currentTarget])
________________Here is how it autoconverts into javascript__________________:
// add-on: list(s: string): string[]
function list(s) {
// if s is a string, we return a list of its characters
if (typeof s === 'string')
return s.split('');
// otherwise we return s:
return s;
function isOutOfBounds(currentRule, currentTarget, phaseParameters, targetBounds) {
var out;
out = 0;
if ((phaseParameters["phaseId"] === "nonRulePhase")) {
currentTarget += currentRule[0];
if (((currentTarget > targetBounds["upperTargetBound"]) || (currentTarget < targetBounds["lowerTargetBound"]))) {
out = 1;
} else {
for (var trial = 0, _pj_a = phaseParameters["phaseTrialLimit"]; (trial < _pj_a); trial += 1) {
for (var step, _pj_d = 0, _pj_b = currentRule, _pj_c = _pj_b.length; (_pj_d < _pj_c); _pj_d += 1) {
step = _pj_b[_pj_d];
currentTarget += step;
if (((currentTarget > targetBounds["upperTargetBound"]) || (currentTarget < targetBounds["lowerTargetBound"]))) {
out = 1;
return out;
function updatePhaseParameters(phaseParameters) {
var lowerLimit, phaseId, phaseTrialLimit, upperLimit;
phaseId = ((phaseParameters["phaseId"] === "nonRulePhase") ? "rulePhase" : "nonRulePhase");
lowerLimit = phaseBounds[phaseId][0];
upperLimit = phaseBounds[phaseId][1];
phaseTrialLimit = Math.random(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
phaseParameters = {"phaseId": phaseId, "phaseTrialLimit": phaseTrialLimit};
return phaseParameters;
function determineCurrentRule(phaseParameters, currentTarget, conditionContainer, targetBounds) {
var availableIndices, chosenIndex, currentRule, out;
availableIndices = list(range(conditionContainer.length));
out = 1;
while (out) {
try {
chosenIndex = availableIndices[Math.random(0, availableIndices.length)];
currentRule = conditionContainer[chosenIndex];
out = isOutOfBounds(currentRule["steps"], currentTarget, phaseParameters, targetBounds);
} catch(e) {
currentTarget = Math.random((currentTarget - 2), (currentTarget + 2));
availableIndices = list(range(conditionContainer.length));
return [currentRule, currentTarget];