Can't hear auditory stimuli after quick answer!

Hi everyone! I’m running an experiment in which the test phase contains 2 pictures and an auditory stimuli. I’ve realized that when participants respond quickly, the following auditory stimuli doesn’t sound (the picture appears, though). The starting time I’ve set for participants to press the key response starts even before the stimuli are presented and I’ve also added the “Static” component to preload stimuli, so I can’t figure out what could be the problem… Any help is super appreciated!

What version of PsychoPy are you using? Local or online?

I assume it happens when they respond before the end of the audio stimulus. You could try using a different audio library or explicitly calling sound_1.stop() or set a start time of .1 seconds.

I’m using the local version.

Okay. My acoustic stimuli last 5 seconds; is the sound_1.stop() code used for stopping the audio before than what’s set to last (let’s say, finishing at second 3)?

Thank you so much for your help!!!